Methods of payment
All prices on this website are in euro's and including BTW.
Bank transfer
Payment via banktransfer on accountnumber: NL81RABO0300291973 to FRENZIE
When you choose the option payment via banktransfer, you will receive an email confirmation from your order. This confirmation also contains all the needed information to make the payment.
Payments via banktranfer done abroad need the following codes;
IBAN: NL81RABO0300291973
PayPal payment
Have you got a PayPal account? Then you can also make your payment via PayPal.
When you register at PayPal you also have the possibility to pay with credit card.
Cash payment
It is only possible to pay in cash when you pick-up your order. Therefor you need to contact us via email or phone in advance.
Shipping Procedures
FRENZIE sends all parcels and letterboxpackages via PostNL.
Tarifs of shippingcosts in the Netherlands;
Letterboxpackages € 3,50
Parcels up to 10 kg. € 6,95
Parcels from 10 kg. € 13,25
Delivery takes place within 5 workingdays. The time of delivery can differ during holiday's and weekends.
Tarifs of shippingcosts outside the Netherlands
Parcels up to 2 kg. €9,-
Parcels up to 5 kg. € 13,-
Parcels up to 10 kg. € 19,50
Parcels up to 20 kg. € 25,-